
TheTasksBoardChromeextensionletyouaddatasktoyourGoogleTasksinoneclickfromanypageonGoogleChrome.✓TasksBoardletsyoumanage,editand ...,隨時隨地管理、擷取和編輯您的任務,待辦事項可在您的所有裝置上同步。與Gmail和Google日曆的整合可協助您更快完成任務。目錄:Productivity·TaskManagement ...,GoogleTasksClientisanapplicationforuserswhowanttouseGoogleTaskswithDesktop.Youcanadd,editanddeletetasksthatcanbedo...

Desktop app for Google Tasks

The TasksBoard Chrome extension let you add a task to your Google Tasks in one click from any page on Google Chrome. ✓ TasksBoard lets you manage, edit and ...

Google Tasks

隨時隨地管理、擷取和編輯您的任務,待辦事項可在您的所有裝置上同步。與Gmail 和Google 日曆的整合可協助您更快完成任務。 目錄: Productivity · Task Management ...

Google Tasks desktop app

Google Tasks Client is an application for users who want to use Google Tasks with Desktop. You can add, edit and delete tasks that can be done in Google Tasks.

Google Tasks desktop app for Windows and MacOS

2019年7月10日 — Unfortunately, Tasksboard App does not work for me on MacOS. I cannot beyond the loading circle that keeps spinning. Promises by the developer ...

Google Tasks 網頁版推出,在電腦桌面用獨立視窗管理待辦 ...

2023年7月24日 — 功能上,和側邊欄的Google Tasks 如出一轍,我們可以:. 添加任務、添加子行動。 分類任務清單。 設定提醒時間、重複提醒。 手動排序清單。

Google Tasks:助你輕鬆完成工作4+

Google Tasks 能讓你事半功倍。你可以透過同步處理到所有裝置上的待辦事項,隨時隨地管理、擷取及編輯工作。這項工具與Gmail 和Google 日曆整合後,有助於進一步提升工作 ...

Learn about Google Tasks

Use Google Tasks to keep track of important to-dos that sync across all your devices. With Tasks, you can: Quickly capture tasks anywhere, from any device.

No Google Tasks widget for MacOS?

2023年9月27日 — I'm aware this is not what you're asking, but I use Taskboard, a web that allows you to use Google Tasks full-screen more comfortably. So I don' ...


Get more done with the Google Tasks desktop app. Manage, edit and share your tasks from Mac, Windows, or directly from your browser.

在Mac App Store 上的「gTasks - for Google Tasks」

Sync your tasks with Google Tasks. ○ Sync tasks between your iPhone & iPad devices. ○ View your tasks and calendar events in one place.

Evernote - 雲端記事達人

Evernote - 雲端記事達人


Rainlendar Lite 2.11.1 - 來個桌面記事的桌曆吧

Rainlendar Lite 2.11.1 - 來個桌面記事的桌曆吧
